Most of our elderly residents are getting on in age and require continuous physiotherapy to keep their limbs supple and prevent joint pain disorders.
Some of our PC young residents have undergone corrective surgeries and need long term physiotherapy for improving their condition.
Offer Physio to PWDs and elderly around our location who are from low-income groups.
Our clinic was inaugurated in March 2022, by Mr. Raghuram Joshi from BOSCH-RBEI
Our corporate support for inaugurating this clinic and supporting us for a year for the therapist is most appreciated.
Our therapist works on a patient between 20 to 45 minutes of which around 60% is spent on manual massaging and physical activity. The rest of the time is spent on equipment for stimulation and pain relief.
We are now able to provide physiotherapy for 25 of our residents on a regular basis, three to five times a week. An interesting observation, regarding people from lower income groups, was that a large number of the patients are between 20 to 45 years. These comprised mainly men who support their families. These patients had succumbed to temporary disabilities caused by accidents, strokes, and health ailments. We were glad to extend this therapy to them.
At this stage CHIB realized that the outcome of this service (in keeping with our vision and mission) for the deserving was to help them return to the workforce and earn a livelihood to support their families. So, this was a very satisfying achievement that outweighed our investment to cover the cost of therapists.
At the end of 2022, we conducted 1544 sessions for a number of women, children, and men of all ages. This clinic is being used at an optimum capacity.
From January 2023 we propose to increase the team of physiotherapists to three persons on a part-time and full-time basis. Donors continued support will be required to provide this very critical input for the PWD community.