We are a member of the Leonard Cheshire Disability Global Alliance,
a worldwide organization with affiliations in 55 countries.

Cheshire Homes India Bangalore follows strict adherence to the code of integrity, transparency, and accountability. Cheshire Homes India is a registered Society and has all statutory requirements


Inspired by Group Captain Leonard Cheshire, a small gathering of eminent Bangaloreans were discussing setting up a “Cheshire Home” in the city.

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Ms. Veronica Das, wife of India's first test pilot of the Indian Air Force and H.A.L., Group Captain Suranjan Das, joined the Managing Committee. Later she served as its Honorary Secretary until 2003. In 1997, she was conferred the title of 'Member of the British Empire', for her dedication to charitable work in India.


With a grant from Central Social Welfare Board and the Central Trust the first wing of Cheshire Homes was built.

Eleven residents including Ivy Paul moved from Dil Bahar to the newly constructed Cheshire Homes building.


Cheshire Homes started occupational therapy, skills training and rehabilitation. It was also the beginning of the craft centre.


At the suggestion of the Central Trust of Cheshire Homes India, based at Kolkata, the name of the Bangalore Cheshire Home was changed to Cheshire Homes India, Bangalore Unit.


Dr. Yusuf Sait, a Canadian resident of Indian origin, donated funds to the Home in memory of his wife Penny. The money was used to build a much-needed medical room. He also donated a site in Chennai.

We received funding from the Indian Air Force, HAL, Govt. of Karnataka for building expansion. Suranjan Das was the famous Test Pilot in the Indian Air Force. The Suranjan Das Block, named after him, (main residential area) was built and inaugurated.


Our children acknowledged: The then Prime Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, was visiting Bangalore and while driving down HAL Old Airport Road, she noticed our children in their wheelchairs, lined up to wave to her. She stopped the convoy and met the children and handed over lots of flowers.


Construction of a new building started to accommodate the activities related to occupational therapy, skills training, and entertainment of the residents. This was the start of the Outreach Programme.


Mr J H MacGuckin, an ex-planter willed his property to his daughter, Mary MacGucking, on the condition that she would transfer this to Cheshire on her demise. However, she very kindly donated the property to Cheshire Homes during her lifetime.


Home for the elderly Women in Whitefield was expanded with two dormitories: With a donation from the Rotary Club of Indiranagar.

Ms Paula Gonsalves, an educationist, started a primary school for eight children at Cheshire Homes. This was because there were no schools for physically challenged children at the time.


A new Annex building was constructed with a provision for rehab-related work. This was inaugurated by our Founder, Leonard Cheshire.


NGEF and Madhura Coats outsourced their work to our centre after training our residents.


A new dining room and renovated kitchen was built at Cheshire Homes.


A generous donation from a British Planter, Mr. G. Graham, made it possible to raise the salaries of staff to bring them on par with the prevailing Government scales.


A choir was started under the tutelage of Ms. Pillai and this tradition took a deep root and to this day, the Choir is invited to sing at festivals and special occasions.


Cheshire Homes became a separate entity and registered itself in Bangalore with the Registrar of Societies.

An old residential block in Whitefield was demolished and replaced with a brand new block.


Recreation and Meeting Hall constructed at the Airport Road Home.


Cheshire Homes received accreditation under Credibility alliance for good governance of voluntary organizations. This is valid up to 2025.


Golden Jubilee of Cheshire homes Bangalore.


Rain water harvesting established in the Airport Road Home.


Golden Jubilee block (dining room, staff room) constructed in the Whitefield Home.

Canara Bank donated funds for the construction of four residential rooms in Whitefield.


Introduced the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) with a focus on quality improvement planning (QIP) to ensure the organization develops good management systems and programmer quality for efficient functioning, transparency and accountability.


Construction of a dormitory with a lift in the Whitefield home.


Solar units (for lighting purposes) installed in both Homes.


Infirmary block constructed in the Whitefield Home.


Physiotherapy unit inaugurated at Cheshire Homes India Bangalore, Airport Road and Whitefield.


HAL Airport Road Home

HAL Airport Road
Opp. Manipal Hospital
Bengaluru 560 017



Whitefield Home

#408, ECC Road
Near Lourd Mary Church
& Cottolengo Convent
Bengaluru 560 066



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